This 1 client will pay us $300k+ in 2024

Here's how

Morning ,

It’s been a crazy few months at the agency.

Like I said, I want to ensure you’re getting the insights direct to your inbox,

Whenever I have them.


I want to quickly go over how we have managed to work 1 client, from a $2.5k initial project,

Up to over $30,000 this month alone.

I think you’ll be surprised at the simplicity of it all.

Most new agency owners, assume that the best thing for them to do is to constantly chase new clients,

Always looking for that new signup.

The reality is, it’s the opposite.

There’s an agency method I like to call farming,

What is it?

It’s where identify opportunities within companies you’re already working with,

You spend time nurturing those relationships,

Identifying how you can help them further,

And eventually ‘farming your crop’ each month,

That if you’ve done everything right, should be healthy and growing.

This is where most agency owners fail,

They see their client as a 1 and done project and then they move on to the next,

The reality is, the only reason why we have this monster client right now,

Is because we took our time to understand how their business operated,

We were initially brought in to help with something small,

From there we adapted our offer and morphed solutions around the pain points they had,

From the inside out.

You can look at us, like a friendly parasite, who is constantly adapting to the environment our host/client is living in,

We need them, and they also need us.

Now it’s not quite as dark as us being a parasite, but you get my point.

We’re now trusted inside of their business as the AI guys,

And the reason we chose to work with this company and overdeliver every step of the way,

Was because we saw the opportunity at hand and the potential work it could turn into.

This idea of farming is all about, growing your crop, looking after it over time,

And the more you do that, the larger the harvest,

ie the bigger the payday at the end.

I also want to quickly touch on how we found this client,

It wasn’t outreach, it wasn’t ads, it wasn’t even my YouTube channel.

They came through my warm network,

It was someone I went to school with who was now working at that company,

He reached out after an Instagram post I shared about AI,

We got talking and before you knew it,

We were helping them on a small internal project.

I actually have a full video dropping soon on this client and how we make our money with them,

So that should help you understand the process even more.

So for now, the key takeaways from this email should be,

Less clients is usually a good thing,

You don’t need to be chasing 100 new clients, you need a handful that you can farm more work from over the year,

Expand into your network more to find clients,

And if you don’t have a network, build one.

That’s all from me,

I hope you have a great day,

And I’m looking forward to meeting some of you at our FREE London event next week.

See you soon,
