Is the AI agency market is too competitive?

Check this out!

Chat GPT got 1 Million users in only 5 days.

That's 12 times faster than Instagram and 250 times faster than Netflix.

So far, 35% of businesses have adopted AI, and according to Forbes, "The global artificial intelligence market size is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 37.3% from 2023 to 2030."

If you're not sure what this means: AI is the fastest-growing market in the world.

I stumbled upon this info this morning while reading the news, and even I was shocked.

So, let's talk patience.

Today, you see the success of Facebook, Netflix, and other companies, but it took them decades to explode.

Even PayPal, which was the first company to use the internet for payments.

Stop watching influencers selling you millions and dreams. 

I'm in Dubai, and I see most of them are fake!

It doesn't exist.

Let's do the maths with a more realistic vision:

Say you're a complete beginner, knowing nothing.

We're not even aiming for six figures a year. 

Just $50,000.

That's a bit over $4,000 per month (totally achievable, right?)

With a 37.3% annual growth rate (which isn't much in the agency space, but let's say we match market growth... so you're not outperforming, just average)

The second year, you make only $68,650.

The third year $94,256.45.

Ridiculous, right?

Now, look at this.

After 10 years of work, you'd make $1,190,351.92 in a year. And if you add up all your earnings, you'll be a millionaire way before that.

So now that this opportunity is in front of you, grab it and start today.

Stop dragging your feet, do something.

If you don't like it in 6 months, you can always change.

I hope this news shifts your perspective.

See you soon,

Liam, your best AI friend