The best route to $10k per month right now ...

What’s up,

I think it’s time we just remind ourselves what’s happening in the world of AIAA. It can be easy to move on to the next shiny object but this email is going to outline why it’s important you don’t.

🚀 The Booming AI Automation Space First things first, if you've been sleeping on AI automation, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee.

The space is absolutely booming. Businesses left, right, and center are looking to integrate AI into their operations.

At our agency, we're swamped! We're talking to 3-5 potential clients daily. And guess what that’s just inbound through our content. These clients are literally watching videos on how to build an AIAA agency because there’s NO content out there right now.

🤔 Understanding Business: The Key to AI Success Now, here's the deal. To truly help businesses automate, you've got to get into their shoes.

Understand how they tick. Many people step into the AI arena and get overwhelmed because they don't have that foundational grasp of how businesses operate. But that's where the magic happens which leads me onto the solution to this problem …

🔍 The Golden Ticket: The Audit Solution Ever thought of offering businesses an audit? Imagine shadowing them for a month, diving deep into their processes, and then – BAM! – hitting them with solutions on how they can integrate AI.

This isn't just about a quick buck. This is about building long-term relationships, setting up potential retainers, and becoming their go-to AI guru.

🚧 Facing the Challenges Head-On There's chatter out there. Some people say AI automation isn't the next big thing. But between you and me? They're missing the point.

The trick is to take baby steps. Understand the business, offer solutions, and grow together. And remember, this isn't a get-rich-quick gig. It's about patience, persistence, and a lot of hard work.

🔧 Service Delivery: The Real Deal Here's a secret: You don't need to be the tech whiz to win with an AIAA.

Many of you have told me you're great at selling but freeze up when it comes to service delivery. But guess what? You can always hire a team for the tech stuff. Your focus should be selling and building those rock-solid client relationships.

🚴 Remember, Practice Makes Perfect Think back to when you first tried riding a bike. A few tumbles, maybe a scrape or two, but you got the hang of it, right?

That's AI automation for you. It's about time, practice, and sheer determination. And trust me, if you truly believe in the value you're offering, your clients will see it, feel it, and jump on board.

🌟 Closing Thoughts AI automation isn't just another trend. It's the future. And I'm all in for the next 2-3 years.

The goal? To simplify AI, make it accessible, and help businesses integrate it seamlessly.

If you made it this far and wanted to watch a full video where I dive into this you can check it out here:

That's it for now! Dive into the world of AI automation, make it your own, and let's change the game together.

Catch you soon,

Liam Evans

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