Building an AIAA with $0 ...

It's so simple!

I get asked this question a lot…

Liam, can I really start this business model with no money? My answer is always the same.

You can start most business models with no money and an AIAA is no different.

Now there are 2 benefits to being able to start with no cash.

1) Your risk has just dropped to nothing, you are only spending your time to make this work.

2) You get to try this out for free!

Unlike e-commerce, starting an agency requires you to invest NOTHING, the only thing stopping you is the fact that you’re truthfully too lazy to give it your full attention and effort.

That’s just facts.

Anyways, in this video, I break down how you can start from $0 and literally set up EVERYTHING you need.

These are the exact steps I would follow if I was at $0 today and had to start again.

Stop shifting focus, take the time to learn more about AIAA, watch my free content, and thank me later when you’re signing clients.

Catch you soon,

Liam Evans

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