ever wondered this?


How many times have you wondered:

"What does that person have that I don't?"

Yet they get it and you don’t.

I understand what you’re going through because 7 years ago I was sat there with less than $100, working 3 jobs wondering what was so different about all of these people making money online

It's not just about success – it could be something else that makes us wonder why they get so much of it.

This question often comes from our own limiting beliefs.

We create these barriers based on our environment, the people around us, and the ideas repeatedly hammered into our brains.

Take me, for instance. For the longest time, I saw myself as incapable, a failure.

That's how my teachers and peers labeled me – the "class clown" or "the disruptor."

I grew up believing wealth was either inherited or a stroke of luck.

So, how do you break free from these shackles?

Simple, by doing the opposite of what your mind is thinking, telling yourself:

"Maybe I'm wrong."

That's what I did.

I started looking for ways to make money beyond just working a job.

Then, I wanted to meet entrepreneurs worldwide to prove to myself that wealth isn't just inherited.

That's how I gained confidence and began questioning everything I had stored in my brain over the years.

I made a video explaining how to get out of this mindset, and you can watch it here.

What I want you to do starting today:

1. Free yourself from your family's expectations and beliefs.

2. Do the opposite of what your brain thinks.

3. Understand that money isn't scarce; it's everywhere.

4. Believe in yourself.

5. Explore your passions.

6. Stay curious and constantly educate yourself.

Hopefully, this email helps you in some way. And if you think it doesn't, that's a limiting belief.

(I'm joking)

Catch you in the next one,
