You MUST Implement These 5 Strategies for More Clients

Hey ,

Looking for that magic method? 

A fresh strategy to bag more clients?

But here's the thing: people overlook MOMENTUM.

Once you've found what works for you, it's time to double down in the same direction.

So, here are 5 tips that completely turned my business around.

1. Understand your client's needs

Sounds basic, right? 

But if you're just focused on what you're selling and not taking the time to ask questions and listen to what your market wants, you'll never sell anything. 

Read between the lines and grasp what the market really needs.

Not just what you want to do.

2. Ask for referrals

Once you know who's biting, set up a referral program.

Don't be cheap, pay commissions.

The key here is understanding that your clients likely have friends just like them.

We all have people in our circles doing similar stuff.

So it's a win-win: they get something, and you get your ideal client directly.

3. Stop reverse engineering other strategies

Yeah, this advice is about doing the opposite.

If you're reverse engineering, chances are others are too...

Thousands of them.

Be creative with your approach. 

There's more than just ads, emails, or cold calls.

4. Partner with complementary businesses

It's easier to sell a service to an existing client than to find a new one.

If you're an AI agency, find a marketing agency in your niche and offer them a commission on your services.

Instead of chasing clients, you'll be approaching businesses that already have hundreds of them.

5. My favorite: the "Undercover Spy"

Meet your potential client (agency, restaurant, clothing shop, etc.) and interact in a non-sales way. 

Offer help or ask questions to indirectly highlight problems, building rapport.

Then, when they acknowledge the issue, voila, you're there.

This strategy is super powerful if done right.

Which one's your favorite?

Got any cool stories or anecdotes? Share them with me on Instagram:

or by replying to this email. I might make a video about it.

Catch you soon,

Liam, your best AI friend