The Network: Outreach Guide

Download this free guide on outreach for your agency

Hey FirstName

If you’re like me,

When I was first starting out with my agency,

The hardest thing to master was outreach.

It was the bane of my life,

I would watch countless YouTube videos trying to understand it,

I eventually gave up and told myself it didn’t work.

That was of course a load of bullsh*t,

The reality was, I sucked at it.

We all have an abundance of information around us,

The best tips and tricks for reaching your target client online,

How to set up email campaigns etc.

But I thought It would be useful for me to start building these assets & guides,

That I could send you guys on this email list and inside of The Network for free,

Some of them will be WIP and will be updated from time to time,

But the goal is to give you a steady flow of resources where their only goal,


So as promised, here’s access to that outreach guide,

I hope it helps,

Yes, it’s free, and no I want nothing in return,

Actually, I do want 1 thing,

I want you to promise you’re actually going to take action and execute the things you learn,

That’s the secret key to all of this.

I’d love to see more of you inside of The Network, there’s a free section that you can join and start learning from today: JOIN THE DISCORD HERE

Here’s the guide: ACCESS IT HERE

Make a copy of it if you want to edit it.

Any questions, ask me in The Network Discord!

PS: Keep your eyes on your email inbox tomorrow, I have something special for you all. You won’t want to miss it.

Good luck,

Speak soon,
