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Are you prepared for 2024?

Think about it.

In an ideal world, what does 2024 look like to you?

What kind of friends are you hanging out with?

Where are you living?

What kind of business are you running?

How much money are you making?

These are all questions you need to be preparing for in 2024.

Things started to change for me when I had a clear goal, I know it sounds super cliche but it helps.

I was a living mess before, I lacked clarity, I struggled to focus and I had no clear direction in where I was heading.

I would watch YouTube video after YouTube video thinking I would unlock the next dataset I needed that would change my life.

The reality is, that zooming out and evaluating where you are today and comparing it to where you need to be is the first step you need to take.

Start to paint a picture in your mind around the life you want to live,

Cut out the shit that isn't in that picture,

For me, it was cutting back on drinking and partying,

Removing some toxic relationships that at the time I thought were okay, but they all held me back in their unique ways.

Make 2024 all about you, be selfish for once,

Who cares what anyone else thinks, go and start the YouTube channel, quit the job you hate, ditch the friend that sucks the life out of you.

I know it's all easier said than done but once you do it, everything will start to fall into place,

I can promise you that.

Speak soon.


PS: On the topic of preparing yourself for 2024, I just put together 45 minutes of free agency training, I hope it helps, you can watch it here: