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For 2 years, I moved through life with no direction,

No idea how I’d make money, and no clue about the path I needed to take.

Chances are, most of you are probably where I was back then, right now,

So I want to give you some actionable steps you can take today,

These are going to transform your chances of making something work.

I guarantee most of you are doing 2 things right now that are holding you back,

1) Your time horizons are too short

2) You’re overcomplicating everything

If that sounds like you, it’s ok, but you need to fix it.

When I was first trying to make money I got sucked into the trap of thinking I could make something work in under 6 months.

I could find a product online and make $100k a month in 3 months,

I could land 5 clients and make $25,000 in 3 months,

All of it is bullshit.

It took me 5 years of grafting and hard work to get to $250,000 per month (with my ecom store)

And when I hit that number, I lacked the skills I needed to sustain it beyond 6 months.

If you’re building an agency right now, you need to give yourself 3-6 months of hard work, no clients, late nights, and endless sales calls before you expect to see results.

If this is your first time running a business, expect even longer.

There are lessons you’ll learn that you don’t even know about yet.

Start thinking in years instead of months, be realistic with yourself,

You’re building a business not a side hustle, what are you, 12?

Number 2, you’re likely overcomplicating everything:

It’s easy to sit there and think there’s a secret sauce that everyone knows about but you,

It couldn’t be further from the truth, I wish there was a sauce, I’d be worth $100M by now.

The reality is, that every single business model online is simple,

Zoom out, break it down, and prioritize.

If you’re building an agency, there are 3 things you need to focus on…

1) Sales
2) Team management
3) Client management

Stop trying to master everything, it’s impossible.

Get a pen and paper out, and draw out what skills you have and areas you lack.

Work out what experience you have and the type of clients you want to serve,

Identify what it is they could pay you for, what AI solutions could they benefit from, etc.

Find out where they exist,

Reach out to them and build relationships.

It’s simple, don’t focus on anything else until you’ve done that.

Why are you trying to master service delivery before you’ve learned how to sell?

I hope this helps.

I’m here if you need me.


PS: The team says that I don’t talk about The Network much, so if you want to join our community where we run weekly training sessions for agency owners you can find out more here: