How to overcome fear

Fear is the number one reason you're stuck doing nothing.

Today, I'm putting on my "psychologist" hat because this is crucial.

People talk about procrastination. But they fail to grasp the real issue.


Remember being frozen in place when startled or when a car is speeding towards you?

It's the same with life's events:

  • Unexpected life events

  • A client who doesn't pay

  • A key team member is leaving

  • The fear of failure

So, what's the solution?

As paradoxical as it may seem, it's to act, to move even faster!

When a car is hurtling towards you, you jump out of the way, right?

Now, when you're scared of launching your agency or facing rejection, you need to push yourself to do twice as much.

Twice the calls, twice the emails, twice the action.

This momentum will pull you out of that frozen, fearful state.

You act fast when a client doesn't pay and a key team member bails!

You'll reach out to more clients and more talented people.

You'll see opportunities coming your way.

When you're scared to jump, that's when you need to leap.

When you're afraid to start something new, to begin a mentorship program, or anything else, that's the moment to do it.

The worst thing that can happen is not taking action.

I hope this helps you in the future.

Liam, your best AI friend