You’re not seeing any results inside your agency, for 1 simple reason…

This makes so much sense.

You’re not seeing any results inside your agency, for 1 simple reason…

This Sunday I flew to Barcelona for a change of scenery for the week. On my flight home, I picked up a book that put something into perspective for me.

It made so much sense and it was something I definitely overlooked before.

Do you know how long it takes to become a MASTER at something? There’s an actual equation that’s been tested on the likes of:

  • Bill Gates

  • Mozart

  • John Lennon

  • Bill Joy

  • And so many more

To become a master at something you need 10,000 hours spent doing the thing before you are actually an expert at it.

This got me thinking, 10k hours is a ridiculous amount of time, but it’s also the reason why we see so many people hit insane numbers every single month with their businesses.

If you had told me 11,000 hours ago (roughly 7 years) when I first started in the online business space that I would be generating $50-100k every single month from my digital businesses I wouldn’t have believed you.

But low and behold, here we are. Now the last 7 years have been full of different businesses, failures, and wins.

But the core takeaway is that practice really does make perfect.


With this information, why, as a new entrepreneur, just starting your agency would you give yourself a hard time after spending, 1, 3, 6 EVEN 12 months without seeing many results?

The game just isn’t designed that way and that’s just the truth of it.

Anyway, this lesson put so much into perspective for me that I had to make one of my classic videos on it, where I basically sit there and ramble about my learnings and format them in a way that will help all of you!

So if right now you’re feeling stuck, lost, confused, or beating yourself about not seeing immediate results, then take 15 minutes out of your day.

Watch the video, and let me know in the comments if it helped you.

Remember 10,000 hours is a lot, and I guarantee if you spend just 500 hours in the AI Automation agency model, you will be making money!

Have an amazing weekend everyone.


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